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Calculate Distance using Coordinates

Calculating distance between coordinates

After doing little research(absolutely no research) I claimed to have created something even though all that I truly did was calculate distance using equirectangular projection(someone had already done that many years ago).

I did 3d models and tried to explain as simple as I could what I had in my brain. Then exported it as PDF and uploaded it here so that all of you can access the document.

Then I downloaded a Geo JSON file from a website and used its coordinates and the previously mentioned mathematical method to generate a 2d map of the earth in svg format and hosted it on github pages. Full source code for generating the map is available here.

If you happen to use dart programming language and would like to use this mathematical method check out my library so that you don't have to go through all the work all over again.


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Hexadecimal to Decimal

To convert a hexadecimal to decimal all we have to do is do is perform the opposite procedure we used to convert to hex. In this example we will turn back the number that we used here(#35) into decimal. First we must use the table to get back again the Remainder Decimal value Hex Equivalent 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 A 11 B 12 C 13 D 14 E 15 F Note: each hexadecimal digit represents the Remainders found when converting the number from decimal to hexadecimal  Now revert the Process by performing these simple steps:  Use the  table above to find the decimal equivalent of each Remainder in the case of #35 is 3 5 Multiply each of the remainders(decimal equivalent of each hex character) by 16 to the power of "n" where "n" is the position of each character. The position of the character is found by counting from right to left and starting the count on 0 rather than 1. Note: the

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